Friday, January 28, 2011

Stylish stencils and patterns...ideas for your home!

You hear it all the time, if you want to change a space and you don't have a lot of money to spend...paint the walls! This could not be more true, however just painting the walls is the first step. If you take it a step further you could transform your space into a stylish, unique and possibly fun environment, by using or creating a Stencil!!!

There are millions of different designs, and applications for a stencil, you could integrate them onto curtains, a sold rug, decor-on a table, even lampshades. I have focused on inspiring you to use stencils on the wall. As you enjoy these photos I have collected as examples of inspiration, think about how different your spaces could look if you created something beautiful on the walls, instead of the solid color that is existing! I am starting a little project of my own...using stencils in my bedroom...the photos will be posted soon.